Aislinne La'quorra


Sheltered Dotharli girl ready and eager to see the world with her own eyes.


Aislinne La'quorra is an Auri girl born in the Dotharl tribe

Photographer for Hire

Looking to get that HQ picture taken for your glamour showcase or mayhap you want to commemorate those special moments of your bonding ceremony? Consider me hiring me to do those things for you! You can check out my work either on my Twitter or my photography website at

Can't find that last Party Member you need?

Are you in need of someone's help in a duty or mayhap a raid? Maybe your healer isn't cutting it? Why not contact me! Aislinne excels as a Scholar but also dabbles in Tanking and DPS.

1234 Somewhere Road
Nashville, TN 00000

[email protected]